In SA, prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men across all population groups.
Despite prostate cancer being the commonest cancer in men (1 in 6), there is poor awareness and deficient urology services in the Western Cape. This leads to it often being diagnosed late when palliation is the only possible treatment.
Project Peacock aims to improve this situation. Our efforts have resulted in a public–private partnership which will allow 12 extra men per year to received lifesaving brachytherapy at Groote Schuur Hospital.
No other SA state institution offers Brachytherapy.
At present the only therapeutic options we have for prostate cancer patients is surgery or radiotherapy. Thanks to Project Peacock, Groote Schuur Hospital is the only state institution in South Africa able to offer Brachytherapy, a minimally invasive curative option.

Offering timely prostate care
Given the long waiting lists for curative Prostate Cancer care, Project Peacock aims to provide this care when its needed to men who can't afford it

Our multi-disciplinary team
Brachytherapy treatment requires the collaborative efforts of a multidisciplinary team consisting of oncologists, surgeons, anaesthetists, radiation therapists and pathologists.

What is Brachytheraphy?
Brachytherapy for prostate cancer involves the placement of radioactive seeds or pellets directly into the prostate gland. This localized radiation therapy targets the cancer cells within the prostate while minimizing damage to surrounding healthy tissue.
Reduced Treatment Time
Precise Treatmtent
Enhanced Quality of Life
How you can help.
We estimate we can treat and hopefully cure one man of prostate cancer with a R5000 donation. Our goal is to treat 25 men per year via Project Peacock.​